Monday, January 14, 2008

Podcast: Chapter 5

Hello readers! Guess what time it is....that's right! Dramatic reading time! Now with extra awesomeness (mostly for you, Jennie, since you were unable to fully experience the story in its written form)!

Cast of Characters:
Clemhand -- Jon
Nelhoepher -- Jon
Bertronius -- Melissa
Lem -- Melissa
Craggle -- Melissa
Jarthen -- Melissa
Rethnaki -- Melissa
Zartheim -- Jon
Craggle -- Melissa
Elcrona -- Melissa
McNab -- Jon
Glothnafar's grumblings -- Jon
"Huzzah it's your birthday, chap" singers -- Melissa and Jon
Blue elf gibberish -- Jon
Iloskin -- Jon


October Revolution said...

I love the intro music.

That and Jon's fake british whatever.

October Revolution said...