Monday, October 29, 2007

Podcast: Nattering On, 10/29/07

In keeping with the shameful lack of posting last week, Jon and I lazily wallow as we pretend to podcast. Basically we try to make witty remarks to your much wittier comments. So, we printed out all of the comments since the last installment of Nattering On, cut them apart, and through them into this jack-o-lantern.

See? Festive. Now, onto the podcast:

Slothfully yours,

Melissa and Jon
PS - If you didn't make it into this podcast, it's because you are as lazy and ungrateful as we are. Step up and be a role model already.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

I have to confess...I underutilize the Jarthenpedia. I'm kind of ashamed of myself. Arthur, however, will rock that bizzitch from time to time. After hearing this podcast, I will from this day forward be a more regular and devoted reader of all parts of the Jarthen blog, not just the story itself.

Keep up the good work, Melissa and Jon. I feel somehow that Jarthen brings us closer together, bridging the gap of many hundreds of miles that separates us. Also, it gives me something to read while I eat lunch on the weekends. Nothing is worse than being bored while you eat.