Monday, October 22, 2007

Podcast: Chapter 3

Greetings, dear listeners! We here at Jarthen HQ are proud to present to you the dramatic live reading of the third chapter of The Tale of Jarthen: Book I. Sadly, I, the narrator, suffered a paralyzing bout of stage fright while recording this podcast. Fortunately, Melissa, the dear blog manageress, was kind - nay! - brave enough to step into my extra wide shoes. Which, by the by, are made by Propet and are very comfortable. Anywho, she did an exemplary job, and deserves all your glowing compliments.

Your Author,

Still recovering from the shakes,

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ETA: Hey guys, good news! The podcast is back up on iTunes and ready to be subscribed to! Make sure you subscribe to this one, and not the old one, or you won't get the new episodes.

Cast of Character (in order of appearance):
Narrator – Melissa
Clemhand – Jon
Jarthen – Melissa
Helliktan – Jon
Rethnaki – Melissa
Elcrona – Melissa
Bertronius – Melissa
Felonious Sprites – Melissa
The Sprite Queen – Jon
Distressed Gnome – Melissa
Jellihondor – Melissa
Homchi – Melissa
Narchect – Jon
Glothnafar – Jon

1 comment:

Jennie said...

"1. Good job Melissa! You are clearly a proficient narrator!

2. Feel better Jon! You are also a quite proficient narrator, and we look forward to hearing your dulcet tones again!

3. What was up with all the whispering? I couldn't really understand most of it, and it confused and intrigued me. Are you guys messing with me on purpose, or did you just forget to edit something out?

Yay Jarthen! Whoo-hoo!"

So, the other day, we were listening to Chapter 3, and looking at the second installment of Terrence Squidby, trying to figure out if we'd listened to it or not, and then Chapter 3 ended, and I left a comment about it, but because we were just looking at Terrence Squidby, I accidentally left it under Terrence Squidby. This is where it belongs. Sorry for my silliness.