Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Very Exciting Jarth-tastic Updates!

Despite the recent lack of posts or podcasts of late, we here at the Jarthen Foundation and the Worthis Trust wanted to let you loyal readers know that we are busy as beavers - silent, stealthy ninja-like beavers, but beavers nonetheless. Unbeknownst to you, the following has occurred:

  1. The blog itself has been retooled quite a bit. If you're the type that only peruses our lovely emails, you may want to pop over and take a gander at the new background (which has been switched to reflect out lithe young hero's move from the Dark Lands to the grand foggy city of Susselfen). The sidebar has also been cleaned up and improved - and you may or may not have a shout out.
  2. We have officially finished Book I - all of it. Every single page, right up through the prologue. That's right, starting next week, we'll begin doling out the last third of it in delicious, savory little chunks, but we aren't writing as we go. It's all in the can, as it were, which brings me to my next point...
  3. We are totally editing and revising the first book AS I TYPE THIS. Rewrites will commence soon, and then we will likely send out a call for a fresh set of eyes to read the polished version of Book I before we start planning and writing Book 2 in earnest.
  4. On a final, and mostly unrelated note, some of you may be excited to learn that a good deal of extra-Jarthen spin-off type writings have occurred of late (some short stories, a set of novellas and an additional novel are all done). They are tangentially related to the epic story you've come to know and love and may or may not be published on the blog. So keep an eye out for those.
As always, we like feedback and cookies, feel free to give us either. And as for the podcast, well, that's under Jon Nigel Seid's purview and I make no promises about it. Send him homing pigeons or something if you have questions about that.


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