Saturday, May 3, 2008

General Update: We're finally out of that damned cabin...

...and as evidenced by May Day's post (Woo! Go May Day!), we've spent that time writing new chapters of The Tale of Jarthen! How exciting is that? Pretty darn exciting, if I say so myself. But wait, there's more!

  • As you probably already know, you've likely been added to a jarthen-tastic google group that will email you any posts we make as they become available. This way, you'll never miss anything but don't have to check the site randomly. Of course, if you don't want the updates, feel free to unsubscribe from the group (our feelings won't get hurt...well, maybe a little, but we'll try and buck up and keep it to ourselves if they do). Also, if you're a loyal fan who, through some terrible oversight, was not put on the google group list, leave a comment and I'll add you to it.
  • A small side note about the whole posts-getting-emailed-to-you: please keep posting comments! WE LOVE COMMENTS! They make us feel important and loved. This means that you should, at some point, actually go to the site to leave us some.
  • Now if you do that (go to the site, I mean...who knows? Maybe you're at it right now!) you may notice that the background image has changed. What was once a lush forest seen has been replace with a vista of jagged, windswept mountains because we thought that the background should reflect the landscapes Jarthen himself is exposed to, and, well, the Great Erkenheld has been left in the dust.
So, that's the update. We're going to get back on our regular schedule of posting 2-3 times a week, probably podcasts on Mondays and new story sections on Fridays.

Thanking you, the dear readers, for infinite patience,
and hoping against hope that you will validate our awesomeness through many comments,
Melissa and Jon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.