Monday, November 5, 2007

Podcast: Surprise video!

Hey Jarthlisteners,

This week we don't have a true podcast for you. Truth is, we're lazy and forgot to make one. But, we do have an awesome video for you instead! Woo hoo! It features all the jack-o-lanterns we carved last week, which are named and detailed here on my knitting blog, doing wacky stuff for your amusement. Enjoy!

Next week, we'll have a real podcast. Scout's honor.



Anonymous said...

Dying to see the video, but it doesn't seem possible -- is it me, or is there a problem?

-- HS

Jennie said...

I have to say when I saw your pumpkins on Capt. Knitpicky, it inspired me to carve a pumpkin of my own. We named him Turnip. He was fabulous. He brought joy to my bleak and empty life.

Unfortunately, Turnip being to mold and we had to throw him away. This filled me with deep sadness. I still look over my shoulder and expect to see his smiling face menacing me from the window. Seeing the video of your happy pumpkins frolicking in the magical forest has helped to ease my pain. Thank you, thank you so much.

[For the video, HS, you might want to see if you have the latest version of the flash plug-in installed on your computer. -Arthur]