Monday, October 15, 2007

Podcast: This Elothninian Life, 10/15/07

Terrance Squidby, brave man that he is, is still on the front lines of the Border War. Continuing his exploration of the Rebel Forces, Squidby interviews Rethnaki this week. Much fun is had by all and many tricks are played on the unwitting reporter.

In other podcastish news, iTunes has still not accepted the new and improved Jarthen podcast. Therefore, if you're the type that likes to download our auditory offerings and listen to them on-the-go, I urge you to check out our new podcast site. You can download episodes individually there, and subscribe to the feed so you know when we've posted a new episode.



Jennie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennie said...

Okay. This is the comment that is actually supposed to be here.

Your intergalactic pipe weed makes me profoundly uncomfortable, which I'm sure you find amusing to no end. However, I find the name "Intergalactic Wonder Herb" absolutely hilarious, and if pot is ever legalized, I think you should copyright the name and market it to the world.