Monday, August 27, 2007

Podcast: Prologue

Hello everyone. First, allow me to introduce myself - I'm Melissa and I run the tech part of the blog. I also have a knitting blog that is currently neglected for Jarthen. I'm sure most of you aren't that surprised what with Jon (the Author, don't you know) is practically a Luddite. Anyway, despite his utter lack of technical savvy, we've managed to start the podcasting fun!

Right now, we're shooting for a weekly podcast that's about 20 minutes long. It will feature a combination of dramatic readings of the story and interesting interviews about Jarthen and company with the Author.

This episode has Jon and I using funny voices and accents to bring the prologue to life. We did sound effects. It also features some delightful lute music. It's our first one and we are totally learning this stuff on the fly, so comments and suggestions are more than welcome. Enjoy!

So, yeah, if you enjoyed it, you should probably either enter your email to get notices of when a new episode is up. Or, you could sign up for the feed over on the sidebar and listen to them here whenever we post them. Or, you could subscribe to the podcast in iTunes and never have to visit here again. Do whatever makes you happy.

Cast list (in order of appearance)

Jarthen..............................................Melissa Sanders
Narrator.............................................Jon Seid
Jarthen's father.....................................Jon Seid
Larthon Ractor..................................Melissa Sanders
Jarthen's mum's tears........................Melissa Sanders
Hungry Rebel Soldier...........................Jon Seid
Old Man............................................Melissa Sanders


Anonymous said...

Jon & Melissa --

Love it! What great voices -- a very fine reading indeed!

-- HS

Anonymous said...

Oh man, that was AWESOME.

But wait, wasn't Jarthen a drummer boy before? Methinks you did some editing :-)

Also, I LOVE the sound effects.


Jennie said...

This podcast makes my soul soar like an eagle. Not sore. That's what my students always thought I was saying, and they never understood why I was so sad.

Yay podcasts! Yay flying hearts that are happy and not sad! Yay Jon and Melissa!

Arthur says hi.